The CMH Lahore Medical College jobs 2024 have been officially announced via an advertisement, and they are currently accepting applications from qualified individuals using the provided application form. These latest government job opportunities in Lahore are open to both male and female candidates from all across the country. Interested applicants can follow the organization’s specified application procedure to apply and complete the recruitment process, and secure these job positions in Pakistan.
REQUIRED ‘FCPS Part II Residency/ Fellowship Program’
CMH Lahore Medical College & Institute of Dentistry
Applications are invited for the above posts in the College on contract basis.
Applicants must send their CV, copy of all the educational and experience certificates, valid PM&DC registration certificate, copy of CNIC and a recent passport size photograph by January 26, 2024 (Friday).
NOTE: Application processing fee for FCPS Part II Residency/ Fellowship Program Rs. 5000/– to be paid online as per following details: –
ACCOUNT TITLE: CMH Lahore Medical College and Institute of Dentistry.
Account Number: 0111650523073,
IBAN is: PK39ASCM0000111650523073,
Askari Bank Tufail Road Branch Lahore.
Payment Evidence/ Receipt must be attached with the application.